torrent message question

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torrent message question

Postby stfox38 » Thu May 25, 2006 4:58 pm

I am downloading a torrent which seems to withhold the last few pieces and the comment "Visit #EZTV on EFNET (" is shown.

I have searched this site and finally registered to try to find out what I have to do to get this torrent to finish. This is not the first torrent that I have been unable to complete with the same message. The torrent shows an availability of over 58 and it stops downloading at .998

I hope someone can shine a light into my darkness.

Thanks in advance :?
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Re: torrent message question

Postby dubkat » Thu May 25, 2006 10:16 pm

The reply could not be more specific.

Use an IRC client, such as mIRC and type

Code: Select all

Once connected, read the MOTD that is before your eyes, then type

Code: Select all

/join #eztv
More information on how IRC worrks can be found in the docs section, or at

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