I'm banned i don't know why :(

Help with EFnet related issues

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I'm banned i don't know why :(

Postby clay » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:30 pm


today when i need connected to efnet i had a message :
[14:32] - *** Processing connection to irc.colosolutions.net
[14:32] - *** Looking up your hostname...
[14:32] - *** Checking Ident
[14:32] - *** Found your hostname
[14:32] - *** No Ident response
[14:32] -irc.colosolutions.net- *** Banned Too much abuse from gaoland.net
[14:32] Closing Link: (*** Banned )
I don't know why :'( :/

Can you help me ? Oo

Thanks =)


[EDIT] hum it's strange, sometimes i can connect to efnet, sometimes i can't -_-
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Postby Osc » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:22 pm

the reason is in what you pasted:

[14:32] - *** No Ident response
[14:32] -irc.colosolutions.net- *** Banned Too much abuse from gaoland.net

enable ident:
open/forward port 113 tcp in the firewall/router. also read this http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/networks ... tml#identd and this http://www.portforward.com/

and use a different server:
irc.he.net Notice -- Osc (osc@irc.packetmonkeys.com) is now an operator
<CHANFIX> You're now logged in with the following flags: ADMIN.
<OCF> Authentication successful. Welcome, Osc.

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