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To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:48 pm
by hyperion

You might have heard of me, but I don't know who you are, yet I'd like to tell my side of the story, so here:

Yesterday, a channel I have been sometimes chatting in for the last couple of years, #philosophy, has "changed ownership". The new owner has decided to op a controversial figure on the channel, known as "gothchick" (who, according to lines he pasted instructed him on how to "take ownership"). I and some others consider her a terrible op, because in the past she demonstrated what I called incompetency: placing bans personal in nature on people who've been on the channel longer than her, or on people who are known for their lack of reason, which resulted in the channel being attacked by floodbots for weeks on end multiple times.

I tried pointing out my concern to the new "owner" in MSG but got no reply, so I also voiced it in the auxiliary channel #pho which was used as some kind of #philosophy Department of Complaints during the former administration.

I brought an other unfortunate example of gothchick's IRC failings. She is said to be very secretive, never talking about any personal matters, which is ok, but many in the channel suspect her to be a male as a consequence, etc. However, she once somehow failed to activate her "vhost", and we could see her shell: which led to speculations... So yesterday I brought this (she mistakenly showing the channel her host) as one example of her incompetency. She then promptly banned me from both channels in question for supposedly making threats.

I didn't make any threats...

However as I considered the ban unjust, I logged on from different hosts, "banned proxies" as gothchick calls them, and told the channel that her bans accomplish nothing, and if it wasn't me she was banning but some "others" (I brought two other members of the channel as example who supposedly flooded it in the past, anyway this is irrelevant) then they might even result in disruption of the channel again.

After this she sent me a private message about how threatening to flood "her" shell (which I never did) or threatening to harm EFNet is a no-no, and that the owner of the host in question, who she claimed to be an EFNet oper but declined to tell me who exactly, "knows my address" and doesn't like me much and will ban me from EFNet.

As I have no way to find out who you are, I am writing here in hope you or someone who knows you will see it. Gothchick has always used every opportunity she had to harass or defame me, for reasons not entirely clear to me... Some remark of mine perhaps damaged her self worth long ago. She didn't stop short of convincing the former ops that I am really a sockpuppet of a former channel persona-non-grata, which resulted in first me being banned and then her after this was established as BS. She also claimed to the channel that I am a credit card thief and other types of computer criminal, false claims she just pulled out of thin air in yet another attempt to damage my reputation. I can't imagine any other source for these claims than her latent phobia of foreigners (I am from Hungary..)

The point is, you should absolutely not trust anything gothchick claims about me or in general. I am not flooding your box, and had never had means or intention to, hopefully nobody is. But in the case it is being attacked, I wouldn't be surprised if it was gothchick's doing in a desperate attempt to get me removed permanently from our beloved channel of failing that the entirety of EFNet.

Hopefully I can still connect to the network, I will try now and inform some concerned about this post... Questions/comments welcome..

//hyperion and various creative spellings thereof in case someone else is using the nick at the moment.

[mod edit] removed the hostname. read forum rules please

Re: To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:00 am
by munky
boy, that's a nice long rant. been a while since we've had a good one. too much vodka in my blood to bother reading the whole thing, thoug

please don't post hosts/ips that are not your own.

Re: To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:12 am
by hyperion
Sorry about that, but again, I had no other means to reach this person to whom goth was telling lies about me, and in a desperate attempt after repeatedly asking her for his nick, well I made this post...

Should gothchick told me his nick or better yet never claimed BS about me, this would have never had to happen, anyway it all seems resolved now, and even the channel got back in the hands of it's former owners

Re: To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:02 pm
by TeamAimee
LOLOL Hi Hyperion!!

PS. I love gothchick, shes fair, and one of the best ops in #philosophy!!!


Re: To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:51 am
by hyperion
Hi... I... always welcome an ickle of verushka style but what prompted u to post?
TeamAimee wrote:PS. I love gothchick, shes fair
Mayhaps until you kerfuffle her once, then she turns bonkers on you at every opportunity gotten.
TeamAimee wrote:, and one of the best ops in #philosophy!!!
TeamAimee wrote:PPS. HAY EVIL HOW R U !!!
¿Lo que..?

//hyperion :cry:

Re: To the owner of [somehost.] who is purportedly an

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:08 pm
by dubkat
wat ?