Efnet Servers Staff

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Efnet Servers Staff

Postby AnigmA » Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:05 pm

Well... i wanted to sugest something , It seems like few servers dont have this thing.
I think each server via efnet should have Opers from diffrent timezones
like 60% of the same LTD server opers and the other 40% are from diffrent timezone.
because i have noticed few times , that when you need someone from the server staff , you could sometimes find out the server staff are from the same timezone , if it`s US or EU , wich causes some problems to go on till one of the server staff wakes up or logging in to handle the problem.
Diffrent timezone staff could do the trick.
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Re: Efnet Servers Staff

Postby Hardy » Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:13 pm

AnigmA wrote:Well... i wanted to sugest something , It seems like few servers dont have this thing.
I think each server via efnet should have Opers from diffrent timezones
like 60% of the same LTD server opers and the other 40% are from diffrent timezone.
because i have noticed few times , that when you need someone from the server staff , you could sometimes find out the server staff are from the same timezone , if it`s US or EU , wich causes some problems to go on till one of the server staff wakes up or logging in to handle the problem.
Diffrent timezone staff could do the trick.
Most servers have these, even tho the coverage might not cover eachother 100% in all cases. However most efnet servers ( 1-2 exceptions ) have glines for emergenices and more and more servers have also started to use remote kline, meaning opers from other servers can trigger certain commands on the servers its enabled on...

Every server might not have coverage 24/7, but there is allways a way to remove abusers from every server on the network, and for me 23/7 is good enough :)

Also, adding to many opers pr. server isnt good either, because the community wants some way to ensure that the "quality" of opers are good aswell :roll:
-- Hardy
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