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using PEAR with package 2.0 error

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:58 pm
by 4105
I am trying to add a package to pear. I am upgrading from PHP 5.0 to PHP 5.1 The OS is Redhat 8. When I attempt to install the package I get "no handlers for package.xml version 2." Current version of Archive_Tar is 1.3.1 and Pear is 1.4.11.

The package is MDB2_Driver_ibase.

FYI I am using Apache 2.x and i even attpemted to install the package from a local "tgz" file after I attempted from the regular installation. Several packages like MDB2 gave the same error when I attempted to install them.

Any assistance will be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:42 pm
by Pills
As this has nothing to do with EFnet, moved to Off Topic.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:59 pm
by munky

Why do I get "No handlers for package.xml version 2.0" when I try to install a package?

You are using a PEAR version lower than 1.4.0.

To install the package, you have to update PEAR via:

$ pear upgrade PEAR

This will install the latest available version of PEAR which is capable of installing packages that have only a package.xml version 2.0.

you say you have pear 1.4.11, but are you sure that is the one being used? it's possible you have multiple versions installed on your system if you custom compiled PHP.